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The kitchen holds a central role in any home, often considered its heart. It’s where families unite to cook meals, share food, and enjoy snacks together. When it comes to selling your home, the kitchen can significantly impact whether a sale is successful or not. Some seek spacious, professional-grade kitchens resembling those of chefs, while others prefer a cozy atmosphere like a country cottage. Regardless of your preference, one question typically arises: “What is the cost of a kitchen?”
We understand that the kitchen is the heart of your home, and we are passionate about transforming it into a stunning and functional space that caters to your unique style and needs. From sleek modern designs to timeless classics, our experienced team of kitchen renovations professionals will work closely with you to bring your kitchen vision to life.
Kitchen splashbacks not only protect your walls, they can be used to add colour, pattern and texture but which material is right for your kitchen space?
Looking at starting to plan your kitchen renovation? The team from Style Plus Renovations North Shore Auckland look at key planning elements for a kitchen renovation
The team from Style Plus Renovations North Shore Auckland take a look at key aspects of kitchen design styles and the types of kitchen renovations that Style Plus undertake.
Renovating your kitchen can be a major undertaking. So why renovate your kitchen?